Suspension Notice

If you receive a notice from the Department of Motor Vehicles or find that you have been suspended through the court, you should contact the Court Offices Phone (607.432.0124) immediately to determine the reason for the suspension. If you were suspended for failure to pay a fine, payment must be remitted to the court along with a suspension lift fee required by DMV, to lift the suspension. This fee is shown on each individual notice from DMV. If you did not receive a notice, please call the court for the proper amount due. If you were suspended for failure to answer the ticket, you must submit your plea to the court. This may be done either through the mail or at the bench during court sessions.

Depending on the reason for your suspension; you must either pay the fine/surcharge due or appear in court. If your license is suspended, you will be required to pay a Suspension Termination Fee of $70.00 per suspension. The Notice of Suspension from NYS DMV will give further information regarding this fee, or you can go to their website

Suspension Fee Information

Suspensions and Revocations (DMV)


How to Answer a Vehicle and Traffic Ticket

Confirm that the ticket is returnable to the Oneonta TOWN Court (Not City Court)

NOTE: If the ticket has a return in the City of Oneonta, the ticket must be resolved in the City of Oneonta, at their Court at the Public Safety Building on 81 Main Street.

How do I answer my ticket?

It is the obligation of the receiving motorist to respond to the ticket. If the charge(s) are NOT MISDEMEANORS you may either appear on the date listed on the bottom of the ticket or you may sign the right side of the computer generated ticket to indicate your plea of either guilty or not guilty. You then mail it to the court at the address;

Town of Oneonta Court
PO Box A
West Oneonta, New York 13861

To plead guilty, complete Section A of your ticket.

To plead not guilty, complete Section B of your ticket.

Upon a plea of guilty, the judge will impose a sentence that could consist of a fine. Also imposed would be the NYS mandated surcharge. You will be notified by mail of the amount due and the process to make the payment.

Upon a plea of not guilty, you will be scheduled for a "Pre-Trial Conference". Once your plea of not guilty is received and accepted by the court, you will receive the notice scheduling this conference. At the time of this conference, you will let the court know if you intend on having a Trial. The Trial will be in about one months' time and the court will notify you by mail of the exact date and time to appear.

If you have been charged with a MISDEMEANOR, you must appear in person on the date and time listed on the ticket.