Payment of Fines/Three ways to pay your fine


In person/in office

Visa and MasterCard payments are accepted at The Court office (All credit card payments carry a 2.99% service fee)

Certified Bank Check made out to; “Town of Oneonta Court” or “Oneonta Town Court”

Money Order made out to; “Town of Oneonta Court” or “Oneonta Town Court”

Cash payments are accepted at The Court office, (8:00 AM – 3:00 PM)



Fines should be mailed to:

Oneonta Town Court,
PO Box A  
West Oneonta, New York 13861

Certified Bank Check made out to “Town of Oneonta Court” or “Oneonta Town Court”

Money Order made out to “Town of Oneonta Court” or “Oneonta Town Court”

If you would like a receipt, please be sure to enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope with your payment by mail.  

NOTE: Do not mail cash. If you want to pay in cash, please personally come to the Court offices.

Online  Partial payments are not accepted; full payment is required.   
1.844.400.8880. There is, of course, a convenience/service fee that is charged.

NOTE: Personal checks are NOT accepted. (Business checks are accepted)