City of Oneonta

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Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What is an assessment?

A: A property's assessment is a percentage of its market value. Market value, as defined by the International Association of Assessing Officers, is the "most probable price expressed in terms of money that a property would bring if exposed for sale in the open market. The sale should be in an arm's-length transaction between a willing seller and a willing buyer, both of whom are knowledgeable concerning all the uses to which the property is adapted and for which is capable of being used."


Q: Do I qualify for any kind of real property tax exemption?

A: Currently the City of Oneonta participates in several exemption programs such as the School Tax Relief (STAR), Veterans, Clergy, Aged, and Business Commercial Exemptions. 
Complete listing and description of all exemptions and their application forms.


Q: I am a Veteran, what kind of exemption am I eligible to receive?

A: You may be eligible to receive a Wartime, Combat, or Cold War Veteran's exemption if you served during certain times and places in the Armed Forces of the United States. You may also be eligible to receive an additional exemption if you have a service-connected disability. Please note that the veteran's exemption does not apply to school taxes.  Complete description.


Q: I am a Senior Citizen, do I qualify for an exemption?

A: Senior citizens that meet income, age, and residency requirements may qualify for an aged exemption. You must be 65 years of age and must have resided in your property for a minimum of 12 consecutive months prior to submitting your application. This exemption, which applies to both, real property and school taxes, allows up to 50% reduction on tax bills. Because different municipalities have different eligibility criteria, you should contact your local Assessor regarding further information and deadlines.  This is a separate and additional exemption to the Enhanced (Senior) STAR tax relief program. 


Q: What is STAR?

A: The School Tax Relief (STAR) is a program that provides partial exemption from school property taxes for owner-occupied primary residences. For further information visit our STAR tax relief info page.


Q: Where can I go with additional questions?

A: The Assessor is continually communicating with the public, answering questions, and dealing with concerns raised by taxpayers. You may reach the City Assessor at the Office of the Assessor, City Hall, 258 Main Street, Oneonta, New York 13820,  (607)432-2397.

Assessment Calendar

City Assessor