Brush & Leaf pick up Mondays BEGInNING OCTOBER 21 through 18 November!
Official Town Policy
The Town of Oneonta will ONLY be accepting green waste and brush at its Town Hall site,
Mondays through Thursdays between the hours of 06:30 and 04:00.
Only town residents may bring branches felled by storm damage, leaves and green waste from gardens.
Contractors and Landscapers are PROHIBITED.
Useful Links
1. NYS Water Assistance Program
2. Calculate what your water usage may be.
Highway, Water and Sewer
Town of Oneonta Water Tap Permit Process effective June 2023 - Dec. 2023
Superintendent of Highways
Town Highway Building
3966 State Hwy 23P.O. Box AWest Oneonta, NY 13861
(607) 432 - 2807 (work)
(607) 434 - 0592 (mobile) Term Expires: 12/31/25
Gregory Amerson
Kevoy Howard
Jason Oblinski
A. Michael Bryden
Robert Quackenbush
John Renwick
Douglas Johnson